Section 2: Frontloading

1. Express your appreciation.

  • “I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me.”

2. Time Expectations

  • “Does the ___ minutes we have scheduled still work for you?”

3. Explanation of Where We’re At and Where We’re Going

      • “The purpose of today’s call is to conduct Discovery which will require me to ask a lot of questions. This is necessary to fully understand your goals and situation so I can best help you.

      • The next step in the process will be for us to make our Presentation of Process, at which point you will then have a chance to ask me all your questions about SkyView and how we can best represent you.”

4. Close

Typically I find that there are three logical outcomes to a meeting like this:
  • We agree to move forward and begin working together.
  • We come to realize that it doesn’t make sense to work together.
  • We decide we need more time, so we calendar our next meeting.”

5. Gain commitment.

  • “Does this make sense to you?”

Frontloading Assessment

Using our industry as an example, provide a brief video of yourself frontloading a mock call with a prospect.

  • You can record and save your video for free online using: (Link)
  • Maximum File Size Accepted is 25,000 KB.
  • Compress larger files for free online using: (Link)
  • Please keep your response under 5 minutes.
  • Please allow up to 2 minutes after clicking submit for submission to process.
  • You will be redirected to the next section once your submission has processed.